Be Represented By A Law Professional with 30+ Years Of Successfully Obtaining Social Security Disability Income Benefits and Supplemental Security Income Benefits For Her Clients.
TheSocial Security Actprovides Social Security Disabilities
benefits for individuals who cannot engage in any substantial gainful activity (work for pay) because of a medically-determinable physical or mental impairment(s) that is either:
Expected to result in death.
Has lasted or is expected to last for a continuous period of at least 12 months.
The Social Security Act also provides benefits called Supplemental Security Income
to people with limited income and resources who are disabled, blind, or age 65 or older. Blind or disabled children may also get SSI. The medical standards for disability are generally the same in both programs for individuals age 18 or older. For children from birth to the attainment of age 18 there is a separate definition of disability under SSI. The medical standard is based on the severity of your disability.
Although the standards for proving disability are difficult, Katrine M. Erie, Esquire
through ERIE LAW OFFICES, P.C. has had great success for more than 30 years of helping our clients obtain disability benefits at the initial application, at hearings and on appeal.
Free Initial Consultation
There is no charge for consultation. Representation is provided on a contingency fee basis. There is no fee unless back benefits are secured. If so, the fee is 25% of back benefits but no more than $7,200.00 whichever is lower. Back payments are benefits that accrued while you were waiting for the Social Security Administration/ Administrative Law Judge to approve your case.
The SSDI Claims Process
– the vast experience of counsel at ERIE LAW OFFICES, P.C. has found that the best chance for success of a client’s disability case begins at the initial application. Since there is no fee unless you obtain back benefits, there is no reason why you cannot obtain legal advice before initially applying for disability. Katrine M. Erie, Esquire will walk you through every step from the initial application, reconsideration, to a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.
Disability Appeals
Katrine M. Erie, Esquire has successfully obtained disability benefits at every level including the Appeals Council and at the U.S. District Court (Federal) level.
Contact us today for free consultation on Social Security Disability and SSI claims at our office in Butler, PA, by phone at (724)282-8727, or by email at
Evening and Saturday appointments are available upon request.
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